Nordic walking, simply put, is walking with specially designed poles. It engages the upper body and core as well as the legs when walking for a more comprehensive workout. Nordic walking can increase the number of calories burned over the same amount of time by up to 46% compared to walking without poles. It is a great way to enjoy the outdoors and get fit. So why wouldn't you want to try it?
Fontana Sports is offering FREE Nordic Walking classes and "Nordic Walkabouts" for people who have taken the class.
Judith Hutchinson, trained Leki Instructor, will show you how to turn your walk into a total-body workout. Enjoy a nice walk outside while learning about the physical and mental benefits of Nordic walking. Please bring appropriate clothing and shoes for walking. Leki Nordic Walking poles will be provided. Space is limited. Contact Elizabeth at 608.662.9706 to sign up. This is a free event.
Wednesday, September 19th, 6:00 pm - Downtown Store
Tuesday, October 2nd, 9:00 am - West-side Store
Thursday, October 18th, 6:00 pm - Downtown Store
Once you've taken the Nordic Walking Intro Course, you can meet for a real Nordic walk! Join Judith, for a total-body workout and pleasant Nordic walk. Get any questions you may still have about Nordic Walking answered. Please bring appropriate clothing and shoes for walking on gravel and/or trails. Leki Nordic Walking poles will be provided if needed for $5.00. Space is limited. Contact Elizabeth at 608.662.9706 to sign up.
Wednesday, September 12th at 6:00pm - Token Creek County Park, Deforest, WI
Use 6200 Highway 51 entrance. Meet at the first shelter (on right)
Thursday, September 20th at 9:00am - Picnic Point, Madison, WI
Park and meet at Lot 129 at the stone wall entrance to Picnic Point
Tuesday, October 2nd, at 6:00pm - Pheasant Branch Conservancy, Middleton WI
Meet at County Lot (3rd parking lot on right coming from Century Ave) on Pheasant Branch Rd., Middleton WI
Thursday, October 18th, 2012 at 9:00am - Token Creek County Park, Deforest, WI
Use 6200 Highway 51 entrance. Meet at the first shelter (on right).