I hope you are ready to join me as we meet and greet the Spring time with our Nordic poles and determination to get out there and hike! Please read and let Elizabeth know if you can join me. This is also a great time to sign up for an introduction class again,if you feel rusty, and/or invite family, friends and interested parties to join me for a free class to introduce them to Nordic Walking, on April 9th at our Westside location.
There are also some other great clinics being offered this April at both locations that may peak your interest and help you make the most of another great Wisconsin spring and summer.
See you soon!
Judith Hutchinson V.P. Fontana Sports Specialties
Tuesday, April 9th, 2013 at 9:30am
Westside Location - 231 Junction Rd., Madison WI
Join Judith Hutchinson, trained Leki Instructor, as she shows you how to turn your walk into a total-body workout. Depending on the weather, we’ll walk inside or outside while learning about the physical and mental benefits of Nordic walking. Please bring appropriate clothing and shoes for walking. Leki Nordic Walking poles will be provided. Space is limited. Contact Elizabeth at 608.662.9706 to reserve your space. This is a free event.
Nordic Walkabout
Tuesday, April 16th at 9 am
Pheasant Branch Conservancy – Meet at County Lot (3rd parking lot on right coming from Century Ave.) on Pheasant Branch Rd., Middleton
Now that you’ve taken the Nordic Walking Intro Course, let’s meet for a real Nordic walk! Join Judith Hutchinson, trained Leki Instructor, for a total-body workout and enjoy a nice Nordic walk outside. Get any questions you may still have about Nordic Walking answered. Please bring appropriate clothing and shoes for walking on gravel. Leki Nordic Walking poles will be provided if needed. Space is limited. Contact Elizabeth at 608.662.9706 to reserve your space. This is a free event.
The Coolest Backcountry Campsites on the North Country Trail in Minnesota
Thursday, April 18th at 6:30 pm
Westside Location - 231 Junction Rd., Madison WI Join us as we welcome Eagle Scout Todd McMahon to share his experiences hiking over 550 miles on the North Country Trail in Minnesota. He’ll be sharing the best campsites he’s found along the way as well as tips and gear advice. We hope to see you!
Packing for your next Boundary Water Trek
Monday, April 22nd at 6:30 pm
Westside Location - 231 Junction Rd., Madison WI
In this instructional clinic, we will discuss the gear and supplies necessary to make your next Boundary Water trip more fun and less work, without compromising your safety or comfort in camp.
Nordic Walking Intro Course
Tuesday, April 23rd, 2013 at 9:30am
Downtown Location - 216 N. Henry St., Madison WI
Join Judith Hutchinson, trained Leki Instructor, as she shows you how to turn your walk into a total-body workout. Depending on the weather, we’ll walk inside or outside while learning about the physical and mental benefits of Nordic walking. Please bring appropriate clothing and shoes for walking. Leki Nordic Walking poles will be provided. Space is limited. Contact Elizabeth at 608.662.9706 to reserve your space. This is a free event.
Boot Fitting 101
Wednesday, April 24th at 6 pm
Downtown Location - 216 N. Henry St., Madison WI Join us as we teach you how to properly choose and fit your hiking boots. Finding the right pair of hiking boots can make all the difference in enjoying your next adventure. We’ll also give tips on accessories that make your feet more comfortable. Your feet will thank you for attending!
Fly Casting Class
Saturday, April 27th, 2013 at 9:00am- 11:30am
Lakeview Park in Middleton WI
Teaching basic fly casting fundamentals to beginners and and advanced techniques to experienced anglers. Our classroom at Lakeview Park in Middleton WI provides a unique setting for both dry land and on water casting instruction.Classes are taught by a Federation of Fly Fishers Certified Fly CastingInstructor, and both beginning and distance casting classes are offered. Equipment provided. $55/1 Person. Contact Craig Amacker at 608.662.9710 for more information and to reserve your space.
Visit Fontana Sports Events page: http://www.fontanasports.com/misc_content/events