Below is a letter sent to Jutith Hutchinson. Thanks to Judith and and to Troup 333 for your hard work in keeping Token Creek beautiful and healthy!

Despite the weather, off and on light rain, many boys and parents, and 1 sister, from Troop 333 participated in today's conservation workday held at the Elmer and Edna Culver Conservancy grounds off Egre road.
The volunteers began their work around 9:00 am today and vigorously pruned numerous tag elders and buckhorn tree shoots. The work safely accomplished today by the volunteers will help the conservancy continue their ongoing work next spring on the natural prairie grounds section of the conservancy.
Upon completing our task, we enjoyed some donuts and a tour of the conservancy grounds and viewed up-close the springs on the property. This tour was lead by the passionate Judith Hutchinson, Token Creek Conservancy Chair and work coordinator for today's project. We learned about the importance of Token Creek to:
Maintaining clean and high quality water,
Supplying a large volume of water to the Madison chain of lakes,
Wildlife such as birds, fish, deer, foxes, and other mammals,
Establishing for the conservancy for people to enjoy the outdoors.
Finally, a big THANK YOU to Judith Hutchinson. I know you took precious time away from your husband and your business, Fontana Sports Specialties, to be there for the scouts today. Thank you for sharing your love for scouting, nature, and the conservancy with us all-you clearly have a passion for all three. Also, thank you for taking the time to help bring today's event together. THANK YOU again.
Please enjoy the photos and I hope we can do this again next year.
Terry Pursifull
Assistant Scoutmaster Troop 333.